Jamie Galpin
Developmental Psychologist
Jamie, a founding member of Special Networks and a chartered Developmental Psychologist, has dedicated more than 20 years to the fields of inclusion, psychology, innovation, participation, and learning, with a focus on empowering children and young people. His work explores the intersection of psychology and social justice, aiming to foster genuine social change. He is committed to tackling inequality and social disadvantage. Jamie's approach is distinguished by his progressive, transdiagnostic perspective, which champions the inherent variability in all individuals. Jamie strongly believes in the power of inclusion by design. His expertise extends far beyond the theoretical aspects, guiding the education sector and wider industries, products, and services in adopting and implementing this groundbreaking approach.
His diverse professional background spans roles in play work, family support, lecturing, teaching, training, strategy, policy work, and international consultancy. Jamie's career has seen him partner with a wide array of institutions, from charities and government bodies to global corporations. Each of these experiences has not only broadened his perspective but also honed his research and evaluation skills. With these tools, he designs and leads complex programs that aim to combat social disparities and inequitable design and practice, driving tangible changes in these critical areas.
In addition to his role at Special Networks, Jamie teaches at University College London and Goldsmith’s University. His passion for social justice extends to challenging traditional hierarchies of evidence, exploring issues from multiple perspectives, and co-creating solutions for social inequalities. As an advocate of whole systems approaches and co-produced social innovation, Special Networks provides the perfect platform from which to continue to innovate and push for change with likeminded colleagues.