This is who we are.
Our network covers multiple sectors and areas of expertise to ensure that we bring an innovative, diverse and multidisciplinary perspective to everything we do.
Jamie Galpin
Clare Ward
Anja Rellstab
Elizabeth Gillies
Rosie Morgan
Leon Allain
Flossie Fairbairn
Scarlet Clark
Judy Courtney
This is how we began.
We came together in 2018 because of our shared frustrations at the increasing focus, across all the sectors we worked in, on what separated us from one another. Our network, both as a metaphor and in terms of its day to day operation, is built upon our deeply held belief that, both as professionals and humans, what unites us is our diversity.
We formed Special Networks so we could amplify the collaborative, human, relational focus that drove us all, as individuals, in our work. Our network has grown to include like minded people we have collaborated with on past projects, each additional member strengthening our network and reinforcing our core values. We all have different personal experiences, unique identities and passions that influence our work. Whilst this may lead us to advocate for specific groups, as a network we share a compassionate acknowledgement of our interdependence with everyone and everything in the world around us. We understand that affecting positive change for one leads to positive progress for all.
Our work to date has seen us continue to spread our message and interact with many other organisations who have come to share this perspective. We deliver support through a range of different services and mediums, from podcasts and interactive training to long term consultancy collaborations and short course therapy.
Our work falls across two broad strands, consultancy, research and training and therapy and clinical support. What makes us Special is the variety of experience and expertise we bring from multiple sectors and professions, lived and learned experience, which provides us with a deep knowledge base we can apply across many different fields. We look forward to connecting with you.